
浏览次数: 592

  Sunni Patterson来自于美国新奥尔良,是一位现代诗人。她结合自己家乡的传统、文化与精神世界观,创造了强大的音乐与诗歌,下面是小编为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:新时代的“狂野女性”,欢迎借鉴参考。


  演说者:Sunni Patterson


  They wanted her piecemealed, papier-machéd, practicallybroken, limp-like and loveless, a litany of exaggeration. They wanted her low. And high. Flat and wide. Filled with all of theirempty. They wantedher to be more like them.

  他们想让她支离破碎,磨成纸浆,几近崩溃,跛行无爱,一连串的夸大。他们要她坠入谷底,又让她升入天堂。平坦而宽阔。 他们将空虚投向她。 想让她变得与他们一样。

  Notknowing her conception was immaculate.That she was birthed insandalwood-scented river water, sweet sapphirehoney-touchedtongue, she was too much of a mouthful for the greedy. Just asmallamount of her was more than they could stand. Oh, they wanted herbland.And barren. Unspirited, un-African, uncultured, undersiege in the streets.


  They wanted her face down, ass up,handscuffed and ankles strapped. They wanted her knowing she could neverwantthem back.Oh, they wanted her holy, baptized in her divine, theywanted hersecrets, pearls to swine. They wanted to unravel themystery of her design.Fascinated by glory, hypnotized by herkind. Oh, they wanted her complete. Theywanted herwhole, though they came fractioned, half-hearted, half-soul, withnoregards and no knowledge as to who she really was.


  Oh, but if they knew. If they knewher,praise songs would rain from the clouds of their eyes, clearingthe vision,bathing the heart. They would bow every time they sawher. Be their best selveswhen she was around.


  If they knew her, knew she was theglue totheir revolution, the life flow of blood through theirveins. If they knew her,she would know,she would feel that herbody is more than battlefield.

  如果他们了解她,就会知道她是他们代谢的枢纽,他们血管里生命的流动。如果他们认识她,她会洞察, 她能同感, 她的身体不再是一个战场。

  More than bone break and bleedingbigotry.More than bridge over your troubled conscience. More thanused up, walked on,driven through, shot up. More than your "Selma,Lord, Selma" EdmundPettus. More than your killer KatrinaDanziger. More than your bust them out ofBaltimore "Highway toNowhere." If they knew her, she would know.


  Wild women, wild women, they walkwithbuffalo. Have lightning on their tongues, fly whisks asweapons. Wild women,they walk with machetes. With wisdom, withgrace, with ease. Wild women havehurricanes in their bellies, releasinga flood of a lesson. Oh, wild women, theyfly free. Just watch theirways, how they rip and shred.

  野性之女们,野性之女们啊,她们与水牛同行。她们舌尖有闪电,以拂尘为武器。 野性之女们啊,她们在刀尖上行走。 智慧,优雅,放松。 野性之女们的腹部有飓风, 释放泛滥的教训。 哦,野性之女们啊,她们自由飞翔。看,她们如何撕裂。

  Oh, who can understand her, thiswindingNiger river of a woman one who is unafraid to tear away onlyto roam and thenbecome the wind. She who speaks in gusts andcyclones blasting us back to highground, high consciousness, sheturns and so does the world.Feel her spinning,spanning severallifetimes. Hear her speaking, sparking alarm. See herdancing,summoning the dead, resurrecting new life. Heaven hears her knockingonthe door, safely transporting the ones who call for her assistance.

  哦,谁能理解她们,这些来自蜿蜒的 尼日尔河里的女人们, 她们不怕被撕裂, 她们遨游成风。 她们在飓风中吟咏, 她们带我们回到高地,神志高昂, 她转过身来,世界也是如此。 感受她的旋转, 跨越数个生命周期。 听她发声,迸射忧虑。 看她舞动,召唤死灵, 复苏新生。 天堂听到她敲门, 营救召唤她的生灵。

  Wild women, they open portals to newworlds,new speech, new dreams.Oh, dearly beloveds, so dearlydeparted fromthe ways of the guardian, beware. For wild women arenot to be tamed. Onlyadmired.Just let her in and witness her set yourdays ablaze.Thank you.

  野性女子们,打开通往新世界的大门,新的演说,新的梦想。哦,亲爱的爱人,离开了守卫, 要小心啊。 对还未被驯化的野性之女, 我们只有钦佩。 让她进来吧,见证你炽盛的日子。谢谢大家。
